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Your Stories

The Authors

Andrée Jansheski

Marsha Heckman


"Your book is gorgeous. It's colorful, humorous, informative,
well illustrated, and easy-to-read."

-Leigh R. (author, real estate books)

"I loved your book."

-Tom L. (self storage consultant)

"I really enjoyed the book-especially the cartoons-and your personal
interactions with your customers-truly. The book is interesting-practical
and very useful-- and it's fun to read! I did not think this would be possible!"

-Bill J. (retired business man)

"Loved your book! It's totally charming--and even though I thought I knew
everything about packing (having moved a zillion times in my life), I got some
good tips from it--Very practical information."

-Ann H. (author, text books)

"From reading the sample pages on the author's website, I can tell that this book will in invaluable to helping us plan for our upcoming remodel. And it's humorous. It's a homespun book, cleverly written."

-Roberta G. (business woman)